Susie Wojtowicz, CPM®, AMO®

Susie Wojtowicz, CPM®, AMO® is the Chief Operating Officer, Commercial Real Estate Brokerage and Property Management, Nelson Properties Incorporated, an affiliate of The Nelson Companies.
Susie has been a member of the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM®) since 2006 and earned her Certified Property Manager (CPM®) designation in 2008. Long active in IREM’s Southeastern Michigan Chapter, Susie has served in numerous leadership positions with the chapter, including that of president in 2015. At the national level, she served as the co-chair for IREM’s Membership and Credentialing Committee as well as a Governing Councilor.
Soon after obtaining her CPM® designation, Susie completed the coursework necessary to have her firm awarded the Accredited Management Organization (AMO®) certification. The AMO® designation is a very prestigious designation awarded by IREM® to those management companies meeting IREM’s strict standard of financial stability, professional competence, expertise and rigid code of ethics. Of all management companies, approximately only five (5%) percent have met the criteria to earn the AMO® designation.
She has been a property management professional since 1997. Susie has extensive knowledge in all areas of property management, including marketing, leasing, maintenance and accounting. Susie has an excellent record of tenant retention, and a keen sense of how to meet the needs of both tenants and landlords.
Certified Property Manager (CPM®)Member, Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM)
Member, Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM®)
Member, International Council of Shopping Centers (ICSC)
Member, Commercial Board of Realtors (CBOR)
Member, National Association of Realtors (NAR)
Licensed Real Estate Broker